
  Now in striking full color, this Seventh Edition of Koneman’s gold standard text presents all the principles and practices readers need for a solid grounding in all aspects of clinical microbiology—bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, and virology.

  Comprehensive, easy-to-understand, and filled with high quality images, the book covers cell and structure identification in more depth than any other book available. This fully updated Seventh Edition is enhanced by new pedagogy, new clinical scenarios, new photos and illustrations, and all-new instructor and student resources.

  •    Online resources include an image bank, PowerPoint slides, and Weblinks. A Test Bank is available for instructors.

  •    A new-full color design clarifies important concepts and engages students.

  •    Updated and expanded coverage of the mycology and molecular chapters reflect the latest advances in the field.

  •    New clinical scenarios demonstrate key applications of microbiology in the real world.

  •    Additional high-quality images enhance visual understanding.

  •    Clinical correlations link microorganisms to specific disease states using references to the most current medical literature available.

  •    Practical guidelines for cost-effective, clinically relevant evaluation of clinical specimens include extent of workup and abbreviated identification schemes.

  •    In-depth chapters cover the increasingly important areas of immunologic and molecular diagnosis.

  •    Principles of biochemical tests are explained and illustrated to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

  •    Line drawings, photographs, and tables clarify more complex concepts.

  •    Display boxes highlight essential information on microbes.

  •    Techniques and procedure charts appear at the back of the book for immediate access.

  •    Extensive bibliographic documentation allows students to explore primary sources for information.



Gary W. Procop, MD, MS

  Medical Director, Enterprise Test Utilization and Pathology Consultative Services
  Directors, Molecular Microbiology, Mycology, Parasitology, and Virology
  Professor of Pathology
  Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio


Chapter 1  Introduction to Microbiology Part I: The Role of the Microbiology Laboratory in the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases: Guidelines to Practice and Management
Chapter 2  Introduction to Microbiology Part II: Guidelines for the Collection, Transport, Processing, Analysis, and Reporting of Cultures From Specific Specimen Sources
Chapter 3  Laboratory Diagnosis by Immunologic Methods
Chapter 4  Molecular Microbiology
Chapter 5  Medical Bacteriology: Taxonomy, Morphology, Physiology, and Virulence
Chapter 6  The Enterobacteriaceae
Chapter 7  The Nonfermentative Gram-Negative Bacilli
Chapter 8  Curved Gram-Negative Bacilli and Oxidase-Positive Fermenters
Chapter 9  Miscellaneous Fastidious Gram-Negative Bacilli
Chapter 10  Legionella
Chapter 11  Neisseria Species and Moraxella Catarrhalis
Chapter 12  Gram-Positive Cocci Part I: Staphylococci and Related Gram-Positive Cocci
Chapter 13  Gram-Positive Cocci Part II: Streptococci, Enterococci, and the “Streptococcus-Like” Bacteria
Chapter 14  Aerobic and Facultative Gram-Positive Bacilli
Chapter 15  Aerobic Actinomycetes
Chapter 16  The Anaerobic Bacteria
Chapter 17  Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
Chapter 18  Mycoplasmas and Ureaplasmas
Chapter 19  Mycobacteria
Chapter 20  The Spirochetal Infections
Chapter 21  Mycology
Chapter 22  Parasitology
Chapter 23  Diagnosis of Infections Caused by Viruses, Chlamydia/Chlamydophila, Rickettsia, and Related Organisms
Appendix I
Appendix II
Image Plates


  The seventh edition of this text represents a comprehensive update to our audience of the increasingly complex and challenging realm of diagnostic microbiology. Koneman’s Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology is in recognition of Elmer W. Koneman as one of the founding authors of this class text and a driving force behind publication of the first six edition. Dr. Koneman has continued to provide guidance and editorial support, so his expertise remains an important part of this seventh edition.

  The seventh edition welcomes back long-time authors Dr. Paul C. Schreckenberger and Williams (Bill) M. Janda, who share their in-depth expertise of bacteriology. Dr. Gail Woods also returns to share her world-renowed expertise in microbiology. This edition welcomes Dr. Deirdre Church, a premiere clinical microbiologist and infectious diseases clinician, and Dr. Gerri Hall, who shares her in-depth expertise in anaerobic bacteriology, mycoplasmas, and aerobic actinomycetes.  It is a pleasure to joint this august company in the production of this next edition of Koneman’s Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology.


  • ISBN:9781451189353
  • 規格:精裝 / 1606頁 / 21.6 x 29.7 x 22.48 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 7版
  • 出版地:美國
  • 本書分類:> >
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「求你,放過我吧」「你死,或者你肚裡的孩子死,選一個!」 ... 001 慕南深,我是誰 「踏踏踏踏」的聲音在空曠的地面敲打著,只聽得吱呀一聲,病房的門被打開,一雙紅色的高跟鞋顯露了出來。 來人推開門,目光落在了病床上那個全身都纏滿了紗布的女人身上。「嘖嘖,真慘啊!」女人的眼底不加掩飾的得意和幸災樂禍那樣的明顯。 沈微躺在床上一動也不能動,只有那雙眼睛看著女人。這女人就是她最好的閨蜜許茹,她出事前她們還在通電話,卻不料轉身她就被一亮大貨車給撞了,「唔唔……」 「你想說話啊!」許茹看著沈微的那雙眼睛,突然間哈哈大笑起來,她俯下身子湊在沈微的耳邊輕聲道,「沈微,沒想到你也有今天。」 沈微不可置信的看著昔日在自己面前淺笑晏晏的好閨蜜,如今卻用那樣的一雙怨恨的眼睛看著自己。沈微想要發出聲音,可奈何她的聲帶嚴重受損,根本沒辦法發出聲音。 她捏著拳頭,一雙眼裡帶著不解和激動。 為什麼?為什麼許茹要對自己說這些話? ... 許茹看沈微那掙扎的模樣,心下別提有多痛快了,「你真以為我把你當成好姐妹?沈微你可真傻啊。」 見沈微企圖爬起來,許茹伸手狠狠的按在沈微的傷口上,沈微疼的全身發抖,很快她的臉上便滲出了血。「哈哈,我接近你都是因為沈靖滕啊,你還不知道吧,我跟沈靖滕其實早就在一起了。」 什麼? 沈微瞪大了眼睛。 「你出車禍也不是意外呢!」許茹戳了戳沈微纏著紗布的臉,「你被大貨車撞飛的那一刻,我跟靖滕就在附近。砰……看著你被車撞的畫面,你都不知道多刺激。」 不,這不可能!你說的我一個字都不信。 .......................................................................................... 未完…… ↓↓↓ 喜歡文章的寶寶們,動動小手點個讚,評論區更精彩,歡迎留言評論哦~~ 移步公眾呺, 《思華閱讀》 , 回 , 慕少 , 然後讀完整。 ...










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